Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Self Image: Activity 2

Questions: Find images in the media, which have been used to represent attractive and unattractive aspects of the human face. Examine and record carefully the photographic techniques used to accentuate both these qualities, drawing up a list that relates to the images you have found. List the physical characteristics that we have come to admire in both the male and female face and write 100 words in response to the following questions: 
  1. Do you believe that media images or public opinion are responsible for the characteristics of beauty becoming universal stereotypes? 
  2. Do you believe people admiring media images of glamorous models can do any harm?

Physical Characteristics that we have come to admire about both the female and male faces would be: 
    • the face structure itself, (symmetrical) 
    • cheek bones
    • youthfulness of face
    • eye color and shape
    • distance of the eyes
    • perfectly shaped eyebrows
    • heart shaped upper lip
    • even toned skin
    • nose shape and structure 
    1. I do believe that media images and public opinions are responsible for the characteristics of beauty becoming universal stereotypes because everyone's definition of beauty is different. Something you might think is ugly, might be beauty in someone else's eyes. Being beautiful is much more than a physical aspect, it can also mean having a beautiful heart or emotions. Beauty is such a big misunderstanding that stereotypes become a big part of it. People are not on the same page, when it comes to beauty and truth is, they never will. People should just learn to accept  that everyone is different and to never judge by first appearance or stereotypes. If people learn those things, then they should have no problem with stereotyping others.  

    2. Admiring media images of glamorous models, is not necessarily a bad thing. It's totally okay to say they are pretty or are very fit. It does become an issue when young adults start comparing themselves to them. That's a problem because their self-esteem lowers and depression comes in. They  think that in order to be considered pretty you have to look like a Victoria Secret model or a Calvin Klein model and thats not true at all. Some model's starve themselves or lose to much weight and of course it's not their fault, but the example the agencies are giving young people is not a good one. Not everyone has to look the same or be thin. It's all about feeling comfortable in your own skin, no matter what shape and size you are.

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