Monday, January 27, 2014

Activity 3: Blog Entry

Question: Consider some of the social pressures that you think may shape your behavior and personal image. List the images most commonly associated with the categories or ‘boxes’ you have already listed in Activity 1. 

How have you responded to social pressures to conform by adopting an appearance that relates to the categories that you feel you have placed in or have chosen? 


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 Whether you admire them or not, Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber do play a big role on influencing people. Bieber and Cyrus influence people by their actions and music, some good and some bad. They are part of a culture where teens and others want to act like them or dress like them. Just because they are celebrities doesn't mean that they can get away with anything. People don't seem to be aware of that. They are both talented and young, so making mistakes is okay, but to a certain extent. They have to know that there are little kids who don't understand their actions, so they are affecting all types of people and age groups. 
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A way to overcome social pressures is establishing who you really are. Determine where you want to go in life and keeping yourself humble and grounded helps. You have to live in reality and learning from mistakes. Those are ways to become a better person and maybe instead of looking up to celebrities, it might be better to admire a friend, mom, dad, sister, etc.  

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