Thursday, November 6, 2014

Displacement Tutorial - Blog Entry

Easy Steps on How to create a displacement map. 
    Step 1: Open up the image you are going to use. Then file>save as and save as "original."

    Step 2: Once its saved as "original," you will need to up the brightness and contrast. My brightness was 129 and my contrast was 100. Its okay if the image looks weird. Then you're going to have to file>save as again "edited".

    Step 3: Your going to open the Image you're going to place over your subject. I used a panting by Leonid Afremov. Once its open you will need to drag it out (image 3b) and drag it back in (image 3c). 

    Step 4: Once the image is on subject like in the example 3c, you're going to "edit > transform > scale" to make sure the image fits properly on you're subject. Like in the second image in this step.

    Step 5: After the image in placed where you would like it to be, you're going to go to "filter > distort > displace" and then the second image is going to appear and you will need to open the "edit" we did earlier then the 3rd image is going to appear and press "OK" Once you press "OK" the image will distort like in image 4


    Step 6: Once the image is displaced, you will go to the right side bar and click layers > overlay and make sure you are on the layer mask like in the image 2 below. Once its overlaid its going to look like image 3. Its going to have a see through effect. *You can change the amount of overlay.*

     Step 7:  Now that the image is see through you are going to use the brush on the left side bar and clean out the image, like in image 2. Make sure you are very careful with details and get very little edge and corner. 


    Step 8: After you got every detail and you're happy with you're result, don't forget to save it! And be proud of your displacement map! Here is my final image! :) 

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