Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unit 4: Blog Entry

   Research and write a paragraph summary about four 20th century photographers of your choice. You are to include two images of work from each of the four photographers (research online) with each summary. 
Here are some photographers from which you can choose.  
  • Henri Cartier Bresson
  • Ansel Adams
  • Edward Weston
  • Jerry Uelsman
  • Alfred Stieglitz
  • Eugene Atget
  • Man Ray
  • Walker Evans
  • Cindy Sherman

Photo by Ansel Adams
Photo by Ansel Adams

   Ansel Adams was known for his photography, but he was also known as an environmental activist and for having a crooked nose (nose was broken during a earthquake and was never properly set). Adams was born on February 20, 1902. During his early years, Adams passion was playing the piano. It wasn't until his early adult years that he began experimenting with photography. His work included landscape, nature themes, photojournalism. He spent much time with other famous photographers such as Dorothea Lange and Walker Evans. By the 60s and 70s Adams was Adams work was in Museums and galleries. In 1984 Adams died of a heart attack at the age of 82. His work and himself will live forever due to The Ansel Adams Gallery (foundation). 

Photo by Eugene Atget
Eugene Atget
   Eugene Atget was a very simple yet intriguing photographer. He was born February 12, 1857. He was mainly an actor, but wasn't every successful. His financial burden made him switch careers, he saw his photography skills as a business.  Other then that, his personal life was a mystery. No one really knows why or how he got into photography, but he did start around when he was 40 years old. His work included mainly architecture and commercial photography. He was also really good friends with famous painter, like Picasso. He died in 1927. 

Walker Evans
Walker Evans

Walker Evans was born November 3, 1903. Evans was a very influential photographer. He was well known for his photojournalism of American events, such as the Great Depression and etc. He was part of the FSA (Farm Security Association). Before getting into photography he was a stockbroker on Wall Street. Then, he started his photography career in 1928 and started in Cuba. He took photos for the book "Crimes in Cuba" and from there he went back to the U.S. and did the Great Depression. Which he is mostly known from. He later became a writer for Time Mag in 1945, but still continued with his photography. He later died in 1975, but his legacy will continue because he gave an art museum the rights to his work. 

   Cindy Sherman was born January 19 1953. She is such as inspiration to other women who are photographers because there aren't a lot of women in the work force and because she failed her photography class as a freshman in college, but didn't stop. Her photography is modern a different style. She tends to photograph herself in costumes and make up. She acts or pretends to be someone else.Her work has been in multiple galleries and museums. She has also won awards for her work. She is influential to fashion, celebrities, culture, art, music and etc. 


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