Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Unit 3: Blog Entry 1

Question: The challenge is to compose by controlling how the subject is seen and what emotions are felt by the viewer. This is done through composition—the relationship of the elements in an image with each other and with the frame. You know that good feeling you get when you snap a great shot? Well, just follow these guidelines, and you’ll start to see things differently through the viewfinder—and take great shots more often. Take a little time to compose each picture into the masterpiece it could be. Remember that you are trying to develop mastery in concept composition as well as in technique. [C2]

Visit the following sites and make notes in your blog about each topic. Include an image to illustrate what you are talking about. If one of your assignments from last year photos fits—then use that as your image. Cut and paste links to your browser or right-click to open:

Example of plain background
Photo found on
1. Get down on their level
2. Use plain background
3. Use Flash Outdoors
4. Move in closer
5. Take some vertical pictures
6. Lock the focus
7. Move it From the middle
8. Know your flash range
9. Watch the light
10. Be a picture director

Example of using Flash Indoors
Photo found on
Example of getting down on their level
Photo founded

Example of "Flash Range"
Photo founded on
Example of "watching the light"
Found on
Example of "be a picture director"
Photo by Glow Imagery
Example of lock the focus
Photo found on
Example of "move to from the middle" or "Rule of thirds"
Photo by: Theresa Husarik

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