Thursday, August 21, 2014

Unit 2: Blog Entry 1

In your blog,
  • Write the criteria from your presentation, along with the elements and principles of design
  • Explain your criteria
  • Define the elements & principles of Art and explain how they tie into your criteria
  • Use examples that were used in the presentation as well as any new one's you can find to add to the discussion
The Principles of Design:                        
  • balance                                                  
  • Pattern
  • Rhythm
  • Contrast
  • Unity
  • Emphasis
  • Movement
The Elements of Design:
  • line
  • shape
  • form
  • color
  • space
  • texture
  • value
The criteria on why photography is art are: 
  • self expression
  • process of thought
  • fine art
  • modern art
  • telling a story
  • craftsmanship
  • different aspects
  • composition
  • understanding of art
These are some of the main ideas of why photography is art because taking a picture is more than just clicking the button there is thoughts, angles, techniques, etc to a simple photograph. 

The Principles of Design:
Example of Balance
Photo found on

1.) Balance is an equal amount of distribution, stability.
2.) Pattern is a repeating design.
3.) Rhythm is a repeating pattern that has to do with movement.
4.) Contrast is the difference from something else.
Example of Emphasis
Photo found on
5.) Unity is joining or coming together as a whole.
6.) Emphasis is importance or value given to something.
7.) Movement is physically changing position. 

Elements of Design:

1.) Line is mark or a band

2.) Shape is an outline of a figure
Example of texture
Photo found on
3.) Form is a visible shape of something
4.) Color is the result of the way an object reflects
5.) Space is the free area or availability 
Example of Shape
6.) Texture is the consistency of a surface 
7.) Value is the importance or worth something has

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