Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Montage: Activity 4

Activity 4
  • Find two examples of photomontages that are either from a commercial source or from a fine art background. Discuss in what context they have been produced and what techniques they share with political photomontages. 
  • www. flickr.com
  • What messages, if any, are communicated through these photomontages and how effective do you think they are? Consider different ways that each image could have been tackled by the artist and come up with an idea for ‘another in the series’. 

 Answers: Both of these examples are from a commercial source. They are trying to say come visit Paris or the end of the tunnel. It's persuading, you to do something. Techniques they share with political photomontages would be photo manipulation to make you think a certain way. As, far as messages go, with these photos, they show that they want you to do something. 

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