Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Light: Activity 4:

 This is an example of DEEP depth of field because  the background and foreground are in focus. This photographer used an aperture of f/18. So the bigger the aperture is grater depth of field.
(Photo found at: www.history.com)

This is an example of DEEP depth of field because all the boats focused and the background is clear. This photographer probably used a large aperture size.
(Photo found at: www.photo.stackexchange.com)
This is an example of shallow depth of field because some of the keys are focused and the rest is blurred out or not focus.
(Photo found at: www.colourbox.com)
This is an example of shallow depth of field because the main focus is the dandelion and the background isn't distracting.
(Photo found at: www.footage.shutterstock.com)

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